Huni Kuin School
Acre, Brazil
Katya Bakhirka
The Deep Forest Foundation has recently approved a new project application from the Associação Povos da Terra to build a place of learning in the village of Boa Vista which is located in the indigenous Alto Rio Jordão region of Acre, Brazil. The center aims to create a unique space for the elders of the community and people with profound knowledge of plant medicines, indigenous traditions, history, and rituals to pass on their experience to new generations, teaching the young of their people to ensure that their unique skills and ancestral experience is passed down generations. It will also be a place where foreigners may be able to learn first hand about indigenous culture and traditions.
The place of learning will be equipped with accommodation units for the students, a ceremonial maloka, and also separate kitchen and bathroom facilities across a complex of buildings to house the teachers and their students, close, but not inside the village so as to avoid disrupting village life. The implementation of this project is planned for late 2019 into 2020.